American Bobtail
Discover the American Bobtail Cat breed’s standard look, their colour variations and related health issues. Find out more about their temperament and ideal home.
American Bobtail breed attributes
About American Bobtail breed
The American Bobtail is a recently developed breed, having only been created in the 1960s. Hailing from the USA, this breed’s most distinctive characteristic is its bobbed tail, which is caused by a dominant gene that affects tail development. The American Bobtail has a slightly wedge-shaped head, with noticeable cheekbones and large eyes. This breed is long and stocky, giving the Bobtail a somewhat rectangular body. The legs are long but proportional to the body, and often have tufted toes (particularly in long haired individuals).
American Bobtails can be long or short-haired. The short-haired variety has a soft, short coat, and the long-haired variety has a double coat, with shaggy fur of medium length. These cats tend to shed more in the Spring and Autumn, so you will need to brush them more frequently as the seasons change. American Bobtails come in all sorts of colours and patterns, but in show circles colours that enhance the breed’s wild appearance are favoured. One such “wild” colour is a reddening of the fur (“rufous”), which is highly desirable in tabby cats. Smoke and lynx points are two of the most looked-for coat patterns.
The American Bobtail is a very healthy, hardy cat, with no breed-specific genetic disorders. At KittenGuru.com, we recommend that you buy your kitten from reputable breeders, who use genetic testing and good breeding practices to remove genetic conditions from their breeding lines. KittenGuru.com’s Health Guarantee certifies that all promoted kittens are in good health.
These cats are sometimes described as dog-like due to their companionable and affectionate natures. They are very intelligent, playful, and sociable animals, and are very loving and loyal to their family, though they will also wander over to make friends with guests. Their affectionate nature has made them a popular pet for truckers and others whose work entails a lot of travelling. American Bobtails are also becoming popular therapy companions, providing emotional support to their humans.
Living with
This energetic cat is a wonderful pet for all the family, and gets on well with both people and other pets. They love to play, and will entertain you for hours with their tricks. Many Bobtails enjoy playing fetch and hide & seek, and can be taught tricks. Unfortunately, this energy and intelligence means that the American Bobtail is also an excellent hunter, so you probably should not keep small animals such as birds or rodents as pets. You may also need to keep your American Bobtail indoors; otherwise local wildlife will be at his or her mercy! Don’t worry: you can give your Bobtail plenty of time outdoors by training him or her to walk on a leash, where your Bobtail can appreciate the great outdoors without menacing small animals.
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