The Top 10 Cat Breeds for a Family with Kids
Like with other pets, the cat with the right temperament can not only be a great addition to your family, but your child’s new best friend! The best cats for kids are affectionate, gentle and patient. Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University suggests that “Children raised with pets often demonstrate well-balanced emotional health benefits such as greater empathy, cognitive development and greater social participation.”
But before bringing home a new cat, you must remember it’s equally important to teach your kids how to handle them and care for them. Can they be kind and respectful to the cat? Moreover, would they leave the door wide open for the cat to get away?
Nervous and timid cats are not the best fit for families with young children, as they are wary of kids’ antics and can easily get stressed by them. Although most cats seem timid and nervous at first, they will adapt to the new environment and will become less shy with time.
Our best Cats for Kids:
1. The Birman

Birman’s are a sweet and gentle breed that gets along with every member of the family, cats and dogs alike. They are quite tolerant and have a sturdy build, making them great playmates for kids. Only downside is that they don’t do well-being left home alone for long periods. Well the upside of that is they’re not just your pets, but your full time shadow!
2. The Ragdoll

The ideal lap cats! These floppy mop heads love being petted and showered with attention. Although playful they are not a very energetic breed. This means more snuggle time, than playtime. What makes them a great family addition is that they are infamously social, gets along with just about anyone!

Aby’s are a very active breed, they are a perfect fit for an active household. They maintain their kitten-like playfulness well into adulthood. Friendly to children and other house pets, they thrive best with another pet companion around.

The sweet and gentle nature of this breed makes them a great family pet. They are independent of sorts, and not as needy as other felines on this list. They are an overall healthy breed and a great choice for families with little kids.

This gentle giant makes a great playmate for children. Having a laid back personality they easily get along with other pets. Although larger than most cats out these, these cats are not big on cuddling or settling on your lap. They are highly intelligent and can learn to do a variety of tricks.

This whimsical little cat has a big personality. They are playful and their kitten-like mannerisms persist well into adulthood! They get along with just about everyone (dogs included). Although these great qualities come with a small setback, they can occasionally get a little bossy.
7. The Manx

Ths unique looking feline is extremely playful ( very fond of jumping). Even though they might appear nervous, don’t let that beguile you! They are a great family cat as they are very affectionate and dog like in their loyalty.

They are great family pets as they are affectionate and equally playful (without being hyper). Although they are not needy and demanding for attention, they cannot be left home alone for long hours.

These strange looking cats have an easy going temperament and can comfortably adapt to a variety of environments. Their unusual curly coat is irresistibly soft, they love being petted! Hence making them the perfect lap cat! They are badly off of attention and can be very vocal about it.
10. The Ragamuffin

True lap cats through and through! This friendly, docile feline is our best pick for a family cat with young children. They are highly adaptable to their environment, plus get along with dogs and cats.This breed is very intelligent and can easily get bored without enough attention and playtime. They can be trained to do tricks and walk on a leash!