Highland Fold
Solomiуа - Female
Price: 3190 EUR
Highland Fold
As our website is continuously visited by future cat owners it may easily happen that someone else books this cat. As soon as your reservation is confirmed, the cat is booked for you and no one else can do it as we won’t accept further reservations. The deposit (EUR 800) will be deducted from the Final Price. As the deposit is non-refundable, you should make sure that your are ready, sure, confident and has enough information to buy a cat before paying a deposit. However, the deposit will be returned if you cancel the reserved cat within 48 hours after the reservation. In this case we will refund the deposit within 10 days but related payments fees will be deducted. After 48 hours sale has ended and shall remain subject only to the General Terms and Conditions.
In case you plan to breed your cat or participate in cat shows, it is necessary to transfer your cat’s original registered pedigree to a cat fancier organisation in your country. We provide you with the option to export your cat’s pedigree which you can present to your feline club to obtain a local registration.