Munchkin Cat
Discover the Munchkin Cat breed’s standard look, their colour variations and related health issues. Find out more about their temperament and ideal home.
Munchkin Cat breed attributes
About Munchkin Cat breed
Munchkins are adorable short-legged cats, firstly noticed In Europe in the 1930s. In 1953, Soviet sources called them “Stalingrad Kangaroos”, stating that the mutation was due to their existence in harsh conditions. This feature actually developed after a natural mutation, so the majority of animals have good health. This breed has two variations, semi-long-haired and short-haired lines. Munchkins are impossible to confuse with other cats as they have shortened legs and paws.
The head of Munchkins is proportional to the size of the body, has rounded contours in the shape of a wedge. They have almond shaped eyes, the cheekbones are highly set and the ears are at the base and rounded to the tips. Munchkins have three types of leg variations: regular, short, very short (Rug hugger). Their fur can be semi-long or velvety short, with a medium undercoat.
Although Munchkins are generally healthy cats, they are prone to certain health conditions. The potential health issues are the following:
• Lordosis
• Pectus Excavatum
• Osteoarthritis
• Hyperthyroidism
• Pancreatitis
• Uremia
• Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
• Lymphosarcoma
At KittenGuru.com, we recommend that you buy your kitten from reputable breeders, who use genetic testing and good breeding practices to remove genetic conditions from their breeding lines. KittenGuru.com’s Health Guarantee certifies that all promoted kittens are in good health.
Munchkins are confident in their strengths, good-natured, and curious. They are lively pets with great empathy. Representatives of this breed love outdoor games. Munchkins are sociable and clean animals that quickly get used to their new environment and people. They remain playful throughout their lives, being particularly energetic at a young age, often “borrowing” and hiding small things to play with them in the moments of loneliness, so all valuables must be kept in a safe place. These cats easily endure trips and have the ability to sit on their hind legs for a long time and observe the surroundings. At the same time, the front paws hang down along the body in a funny way, earning them the nickname “kangaroo cats”.
Living with
This breed is easy to upkeep and doesn’t require special care. Despite the companionable nature of these cats, they love to “build nests” to feel protected during their rest. Though they are independent, it is best to not let your cat go for a walk alone. Munchkins jump very briskly on low tables, chairs, and the owners’ favourite curtains can be stomped without any hesitations. Of course, they won’t jump too high, but they can try to steal something tasty from your table.
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